Some Shackleford/Shackelford historical information submitted by: Sheila Cadwalader  Thank You Shelia


Pg. 33. This acq period all of the residents had left Diamond City, taking their homes with them.

At the present time there are no permanent residents on Shackleford Banks, though there is talk of converting it into either a summer resort or a park. Until very recently it was used extensively for grazing horses, cattle, and sheep, and the open grazing, undoubtedly has had a lot to do with the destruction of the vegetation which had previously protected Shackleford Banks from the storms.

Pg. 33. This acquisition of so much of the Banks by individuals had little relationship at the time to actual settlement. William Reed for example, did not live on his Hatteras property. John Porter sold his 7000-acre holding to Enoch Ward and John Shackleford, and they in turn divided it in 1723, with Ward getting the Core Banks section and Shackleford the western part, which came to bear his name. But Porter, Ward, and Shackleford were all none resident property owners and apparently it was not until after John Shackleford's death in 1734 that his heirs and Ward began selling off smaller parcels of the land.

Pg. 184 The written records in the story of Diamond City begin as early as 1723. On September 2 of that year two Carolinians, brothers-in-law named Enoch Ward and John Shackleford, signed an agreement for the equal division of some 7000 acres of Banks land they had acquired jointly. Their original holdings extended from Beaufort Inlet, around Cape Lookout, and up the Banks to Drum Inlet, an entire Banks Island some twenty-five miles in length. In division, Ward agreed to take the eastern half, the part known as Core Banks; Shackleford took the western half from Cape Lookout to Beaufort Inlet.

Pg. 308 In 1713 a man named John Porter secured a grant for 7000 acres of Banks land, extending from Old Drum Inlet to old Topsail Inlet (now Beaufort Inlet) and including Cape Lookout. This was soon acquired by John Shackleford and Enoch Ward who divided the property in 1723 - Shackleford taking Cape Lookout and the western part, Ward taking the eastern part. Though the name Core Banks was sometimes applied to all of this area, the original Shackleford property in time became known as Shackleford Banks, and in today's usage Core Banks is the area between Drum Inlet and Cape Lookout.

The name Core Banks - and Core Sound, which separates it from the mainland - derives from the Coree Indians, who once lived on the mainland and hunted on the Banks.

Among the earliest residents of Core Banks, particulaly in the section near Cape Lookout, were whalers who operated from camps on the beach. Old names such as Whale Creek, Whalers Camp, Middle Whales Camp, and Whalers Camp Point, of course, stem from this. Among other early place names, most of them forgotten for many years, were Briery Hills, Three Hats Creek, Thompson's Hammock, The High Hills, Pettartory Hill, Horse Pen Creek, and Jacks Place.

The name of Core Banks Livesaving Station, one of the last established on the North Carolina coast, was later changed to Atlantic. Located near the present Drum Inlet, the Coast Guard Station there was decommissioned in 1957.

Pg. 311 Shackleford Banks and Diamond City

Shackleford Banks, acquired by John Shackleford when he and Enoch Ward divided their 7000 acre tract of Banks land in 1723, extends now from the Drain, or Barden Inlet, on the east of Beaufort Inlet to the West.

Once heavily forested, it was partly cut over more than a hundred years ago to provide live oak, and cedar timbers for the construction of ships in Beaufort boatyards, and in the hurricane of 1899, and successive storms it has been practically denuded.

In the latter part of the nineteenth century there were two well defined communities of approximately 500 people, most of whom were whalers, and when the August hurricane of 1899, flooded their homes they decided to move.

The Canaday and Shackleford Families (compiled 1/12/1985 KH)

Cornelius Canaday married Elizabeth Wade (daughter of Mary Shackleford and Robert Wade). Her sister, Joanna Wade, married first Joshua Simpson. Mary Shackleford was the daughter of Ann Livingston and John Shackleford.

John Shackleford was born in Essex County, VA, circa 1670, and was the son of Roger born 23 April 1629, and Mary Palmer Shackleford from Essex, England. Roger and Mary had nine children: James, born circa 1660, married Elizabeth Robbins; Francis; John, born circa 1670; Zeheriah, born 1675, married Ann; Benjamin; Zecheriah ; Charles; Roger; and William 1726-1731 (dates ??).

In 1702, Roger Shackleford was granted land in Essex County, VA. His son, Francis, was also granted land in the same county. John and Francis Shackleford came to Bath County (now Carteret County, NC by 1708). Land grants were granted in 1708.

In 1713, John Shackleford became the owner of several large tracts of land in Bath County. Among these was a grant of land containing seven thousand acres. This tract on the early maps was known as Sea Banks. It was then , and is now part of the Outer Banks of North Carolina, Carteret County.

John Shackleford's Garrison is listed in Colonial Records, January 19, 1712. "John Shackleford at the garrison at the Shackleford Plantation to be allowed to plant Corne on said Plantation, plant, tend and gather Corne during time they keep a garrison there." This shows troops were stationed at the Garrison and the soil was tillable on the Banks during 1712.

John was appointed to see "Every ship drawing eight feet of water anchoring at the Banks and Shackleford Banks to charge three shillings six pence per foot". It is assumed that Enoch Ward came to Bath County about the same time that John came as they owned the Banks together. The deed reads "to be equally divided, to share and share alike all silver or gold thereon."

John Shackleford married Ann Livingston. Their children were: John; James married Keziah Wicker; Mary married first Robert Wade (they had a daughter, Joanna, who married Joshua Simpson), Mary married second Enoch Ward, they had children; Mary married third, Anais Cavenagh, they had children.

John Shackleford and Enoch Ward acquired Core Banks and Shackleford Banks from John Porter in 1713. They divided it, Enoch Ward getting the Core Banks section, and John Shackleford retaining the western part which to the present time bears his name. Elizabeth and Enoch must have lived on Ward's Creek as the Creek derived its name from Enoch Ward.

John Shackleford made his will 29 Mar 1734 - proven September Court 1734, Carteret Precinct. John lived five months after the will was made. He named his wife as "my present wife, Ann" which tends to lead one to think perhaps he had been married before he married Ann. (Note: one article in Carteret County History refers to his wife being Mary. Perhaps Mary was a previous wife.)

His will states:

"To daughters, Mary, Elizabeth and Ann, a gold ring each at the price of ten shillings. Daughter, Sarah, wife of Joseph Moss (Morse) four cows and calves, and liberty to my son-in-law to build a house and shop in the Island Land whereon I now live."

"I give liberty to the aforesaid Joseph Moss to whaile off the Banks he paying yearly to My Beloved wife Ann Shackleford during her life and no longer the rent of two barrells of oyle for his share of one half of one single boat and to have the liberty of no more boats or part of my boats."

To Grandson, John Roberts, two Cows and Calves at the decease of my wife Ann. To grandson William Roberts two Cows and Calves. Daughter Hannah three Cows and Calves. The large Cedar Cubbard and round table in the outer room. Two pewter dishes, three pewter plates, one feather bead blanket and rugg. One pair of cotton sheets, one small iron pot and iron skillet."

"After the death of my beloved wife Ann I give to my son John all the remainder of goods and Chattle both reale and personal provided my son John does not die without issue, in such case I bequest my estate to my son James and his heirs forever also Island called Carrot." He named his land lying on the Banks "Eastward of Old Topsail Inlet."

Ann was appointed Executrix and Executor the 29th day of March One Thousand and Seven hundred and Thirty four. In the presence of Samuel and Ephriam Chadwick.

Signed John Shackleford.

John served in the Militia during the years between 1712-1733. John is recorded on the Vestry Book of St John's Parish Vestry Roll from April 1723 thru May 1733.

John Shackleford, Jr. served in 1747 with the Militia when the Spanish invaded the town of Beaufort. John , Jr, had four sons to serve in the North Carolina Revolutionary Forces.

The name Shackleford began to disappear from Carteret County after 1792. Many removed to Onslow and other counties.

Submitted by:  Sandy Taylor Shackelford                                                                         I found this on the KY Biographies page. It may be of interest to someone.

A History of Masonry in Madison County, Kentucky 1812-1913, compiled and written by Robert R. Burnam, 1914, p. 58.

EDWARD LYNE SHACKELFORD, who evidently shared the honors with Mr. Rodes this year as Master, was born in Kentucky. His father, George Shackelford, with his wife, Martha Hockaday, emigrated from Virginia to Kentucky toward the close of the eighteenth century and settled in Madison County. He was elected a member of the State Legislature in 1833. Mr. Shackelford was for years an official with the branch of the Northern Bank of Kentucky, located in Richmond. With the inauguration of the National Banking System this branch bank was closed. In 1865, Mr. Shackelford removed to Danville where he organized the First National Bank of that city and continued with it until his death, April 21, 1876.

He was like his friend Rodes, a model citizen. Being a splendid business man, an Elder in his church, grave and dignified in his deportment, esteemed and respected by all who knew him.

He was one of five or six brothers living at the outbreak of the Civil War, all of whom were born and lived in slave States.

They were all owners of slaves, and yet every one of them was an intense Union man. Mr. Shackelford was made a Mason during the administration of William Rodes in 1824. The exact dates are not given.  Shackelford Hockaday Rodes = VA Boyle-KY     Hope it helps.

If you have any historical Shackleford/Shackelford information and are willing to share it with us, please send to:  Patricia Viellenave and she will post it as soon as possible.

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UpdatedThursday, 01-May-2008 17:20:42 EDT